The Tragic Death of Cheslie Kryst Influences Pivotal Mental Health Awareness

She was only 30 years old. From a stranger’s lens, someone looking from the outside in, the perception was perfection. She had it all- beautiful woman with a flourishing career and an ultra-bright future ahead. But one would never think- She’s suffering. She’s silently crying out for help, unhappy or unfulfilled. She’s dealing with something heavy, that would ultimately cause her to end her life.

Cheslie Kryst: 30-year-old lawyer, reporter, and beauty queen died Sunday January 30.

Officials confirmed Kryst jumped from an apartment building where she lived in NYC.

It’s one of the toughest conversations to have. But the heart-breaking news of former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst’s death by suicide has us all in an incredibly sad and uncomfortable space this week. The brutal truth is that depression is real and could very well be attacking more of our friends and loved ones than we realize.

As tremendously devastating as this tragedy is, Cheslie’s death is serving a harsh reminder of the importance of real self-care, of mental health and insuring the well-being of each other. We are still in global pandemic, where now more than ever, our new normal is weighing heavy in different ways on different people. And the surprising death of this Queen, who to many “had it all together” screams the saying louder than we’ve probably ever heard it before: You never know what people are going through.

In the days following the news reports, Kryst’s mother opened up about the loss of her daughter, sharing that she had long suffered high functioning depression.

“I have never known a pain as deep as this. I am forever changed. Today, what our family and friends privately knew was the cause of death of my sweet baby girl, Cheslie, was officially confirmed,” her mother, April Simpkins, said in a statement.

“While it may be hard to believe, it’s true. Cheslie led both a public and a private life. In her private life, she was dealing with high-functioning depression which she hid from everyone — including me, her closest confidant — until very shortly before her death,”


What Is High-Functioning Depression?

High-functioning mental illness is a term to describe those living with a mental illness that most people don’t detect. It covers a broad spectrum; they might have a job, be studying, dress well, or even have the ‘perfect’ family lifestyle.

Some symptoms manifest themselves physically with aches and pains or changes in sleeping and eating patterns. Other times, people may seem disengaged from things that once made them happy.

How To Spot High-Functioning Depression | What Are The Signs?

  • People tend to describe you as gloomy or a downer. It may be hard for you to see the bright side of any situation.

  • Some may describe you as lazy because you find it difficult to muster the energy to accomplish basic tasks.

  • It’s hard for you to feel good about yourself, even when given a compliment. You may continuously look for ways to criticize yourself, either internally or outwardly to others.

  • Your weight fluctuates without you being on a diet plan because your appetite grows or recedes depending on your mood.

  • You may find yourself crying or experiencing feelings of hopelessness for seemingly no reason.

  • Your performance may seem fine at school or work, but you’re struggling to appear normal to peers.

  • You find yourself tempted to use substances like drugs or alcohol to make yourself feel better.

Her Radio continues to send love, light, prayers and our hearts to the entire Kryst family during this unimaginable time and in moving forward toward healing.

If you or anyone you know are experiencing depression, helplessness or suicidal thoughts at any level, there is help, there is support and you are not alone. Pick up the phone right now and call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).


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