Pivot Power


  1. To turn or cause to turn in place

  2. To move, laterally: swivel, traverse.

  3. To change the direction or course of

When I think of ‘pivoting’, the word that comes to mind is to ‘adapt’. When something changes, to pivot is to modify what we are accustomed to in order to adjust to new conditions and circumstances. Many will always remember 2020 as the year of the pivot. The word itself became apart of our daily lives as uncertainty, fear and change saturated our realities.. suddenly.

There’s a lengthy list of the things that can be connected to pain, darkness, struggle and insecurity during this period of time. But I think it’s just as important to affirm the triumphs manifested through the year of the pivot. We were forced to find our strength, and at times, power we didn’t know we had. As every….single….thing we knew to be normal began to change, we adapted. We were humbled, and we became still. We remembered who we are, whose we are, what we have and what’s important. We survived. The funny thing is, that’s what we we’ve always been made of, because life is a constant evolution. We may not have been met with so many transitions, and so abruptly in the past, but what a beautiful thing it is to be shown your strength and ability in the midst of so much adversity.

I’d marvel as I watched women pivot, in their careers, in their families and responsibilities, in their self care, daily routines and mental health. Inspiration and empowerment filled my spirit as I watched mothers revamp their lifestyles when school system challenges were presented, and reinvent their roles as many were forced to work from home, others after loosing their means of livelihood. In the midst of countless obstacles, it was uplifting to see women shift, transform and pivot in all aspects as everything changed.

Another thought worthy of homage is the significance of the glass ceiling. History has always upheld the phrase as a representation of a barrier to advancement in a profession for women and minorities. The glass ceiling to me however, can be any challenge, any obstacle, failure or detour in between our goals and achievement. Beyond 2020, we have been witnessing women crack and shatter glass ceilings in all aspects of life for as long as we can remember. The pivot and the glass ceiling go hand and hand. Where there are setbacks, obstacles , or roadblocks that threaten to hinder, the power of Her always defeats the impossible. Our strength, resiliency and ability to move through challenges as natural born leaders take center stage.

The foundation for Her Radio was laid during the pandemic, a time in history that will be remembered for it’s struggles, but also more importantly for accomplishments, new concepts, lifestyles and perspectives developed as a result of global change. As previous plans and career goals started to fade from the effects of this time, I was also encouraged as I watched those around me pivot, crack glass ceilings and move forward. My mother, who is the strongest, most faithful and resilient woman I know, reminded me of who I was, whose I was, what I have and what’s important.

And here we are, a new voyage in Her Radio, Her World. ~A platform that embodies so many of my favorite things: ~ music, journalism, empowerment, growth, entertainment, women in their dopeness, their greatness, content creativity, inspiration, black excellence, community and culture; all of which are fueled by God’s purpose promise. The brand design direction for Her 107.9 is inspired by the strength of a Woman, dedicated to the power in Her pivot, and represents the magnitude of Her kick when there is a glass ceiling ahead.

And with that, I speak life and look forward to what it can become.


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Her Radio!

~ “Be strong, vigorous and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”


Peace of Mind